Johanna Sonninen is a Finnish artist.
She has studied at Vihti Arts and Crafts School in Finland, but is mainly self-taught.
Her main area is drawing but she also makes silver jewelry and metal sculptures.
In her works she examines life, humanity and human relationships.
She wants to arouse the viewer's emotions and thoughts.
- There is no ready answer, everything depends of the viewer.
- Parallax AF by Dr Chris Barlow in october 2011 at La Galleria, Royal Opera Arcade, Pall Mall, London, England.
- The School of Fine Arts of St. Petersburg, through a Parisian art gallery Art'et Miss, in collaboration with the Molbert Gallery Saint Petersburg
11-24 december 2013.
- Oxford International Art Fair 2014 7th - 9th February 2014 at Oxford Town HalI, England.